Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The Appointment

Hi all! The day started casually enough out of bed by 9:00 AM and laze around until 9:45 when Corrine asked when we had to leave and was informed 10:00AM. Now I needed more time to clean the fan. We arrived at the SDA on time (amazing) and were called in to a small office with an interpreter, and a psycologist. After my treatment we got down to business, we were shown 1 file forunately the kids fit the bill. We will be traveling by train on Friday to meet Bart and Lisa. We still have a long way to go but this was a very positive first step! After the meeting we walked past the former KGB headquarters for Ukraine, but the memory card was full so no pictures. From there I spotted a place to have a beer and of we went to celebrate. The rest of the day was a blur of markets, subways, buses, and eating. We have finally gotten back to the apartment at 9:30 PM cracked a celebration bottle of wine, and opened some caviar (Corrine was dying to try it). We are fortunate to be on line in the apartment Vitaly lent us his laptop (He's staying with us anyway) He had to disassemble the phone then splice a bunch of wires together to get a connection. He says just throw out phone when we leave no one will notice. I know your all dying to hear more about the kids but because of problems other couples have had (with American's suprise suprise) we won't be posting much about them until after the court hearing. We'll tell some cute stories etc. but know info about them, and no pictures it's against the law in Ukraine. Until the court hearing they are Ukraine's kids not ours. Kiev has been amazingly modern exect this morning Corrine had a bathroom encounter with a hole in the ground. She assumed the position demonstrated by Kim in Rae and Jerry's one night. When I say a hole in the floor I mean a hole in the floor we will post a picture. The toilet paper (sandpaper) is extra $1.00 Greevna don't leave home without it.
That's all folks!


The Harvey's said...

We're so happy to hear your news!! Looking forward to reading your next blog posting...

Kim & Brad said...

Oh my gosh!!!! We are so excited for you!!! I can’t believe Corrine has already had to assume the hole in the ground bathroom stance….I managed to go 5 weeks in Ukraine before I had to do that. At least you knew that you had to buy toilet paper. If you get a chance, don’t forget to go the 2 Goose restaurant….excellent Ukrainian food. Can’t wait to hear from you again.

nan said...
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nan said...

I am very excited for you. Anxious to hear more news. Have fun & watch those holes Corrine.

Denise, Cam & Ella said...

Hi guys, So great to hear you seem to already be having quite the adventure---and haven't lost your sense of humor. Look forward to hearing from you guys again. Take care!

nan said...

Good morning , guys,

I am praying all will go well today.

Looking forward to more news!!!!!!

Kim & Brad said...

Hello, I know today is "big day" #1. Can't wait to hear how things are going!